We ship to within the U.S. Shipping is calculated & charged at checkout according to the provider you choose.
We generally ship M-F (business days) and we generally ship next business day after order is placed & paid. Shipping of custom items may take up to 2 weeks to ship.
We can not be responsible for shipped packages that are damaged/lost or delayed by the carrier if we can not file a claim with the carrier. Some shipping methods do not include insurance or guarantees such as USPS first class or USPS ground advantage. You should be aware if the service you choose for shipping provides insurance and claim service.
Once a package is delivered to the carrier, it is out of our hands. We will assist you in any way we can in the event of a damaged, lost or delayed package. But we are limited to the carriers rules & regulations. On occasion, carriers suspend guarantees and you must be aware of your chosen carriers suspensions.
We try very hard to keep our shipping charges as low as possible. We do this in a variety of ways. One way is not using fancy or excessive packaging, though we do try to package your items securely. Please be aware of the difference in packaging damage vs. product damage. (ex: the spool that a ribbon is on is packaging. The ribbon itself is the product) If our website has overcharged you for shipping, we will refund you any overages.
We offer a variety of online payments. Please know the terms & conditions of your chosen payment method. Instructions for each payment method are provided at checkout.
Our checkout is secure. We do not store nor do we have access to your payment information at any time other than type & platform.
We strive to provide excellent customer service and we are reasonable people. We will help you in any reasonable way possible.
phone: 830.357-0934 (call or text)
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